Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Maybe normal people actually do have pregnancy cravings, but I feel like in reality it should be called the "one thing in the whole wide world I'd be willing to eat" syndrome. Eating food is just such a chore right now and I feel like I need to eat all.the.time to keep this bossy baby in my tummy happy.

When I was pregnant with Emberly, it didn't matter at all what I ate... I could eat pizza, Chinese food, tacos, spaghetti... or whatever sounded good in the moment. It was kind of awesome in that I could pick up fast food... fast... and eat it so I didn't have to feel so nasty sick (although I definitely did feel nasty sick a large majority of the time). But this baby is so very different... I have been eating bland and blah food like a baked potatoes, a bowl of Cheerios or Kix, or maybe a granola bar or ramen noodle soup. Tonight I sent Jordan to the grocery store for snow peas, carrots, and coldstone ice cream. Weird.

But let's just say for a moment that Jordan has been all sorts of amazing. I cannot open the kitchen garbage without puking some days, so I just pile my garbage next to it and he throws it all in and takes it outside. He gets me food when I have passed the point of no return. Brings me eggs in bed. Lets me take naps. Takes our child on errands to give me a break. I married the best of the best. Be jealous.

Ok I'm not normally sappy... So thanks for enduring.

That's all!

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