Monday, May 13, 2013


This afternoon I worked up the best attitude I could muster to take Em to get some new shoes. Taking a toddler shopping is probably on my list of least favorite activities of all time. But she needs some summery shoes something terrible, and they have to be tried on.

So we literally got as far as the garage. Despite my best efforts to explain we were going in the car and NOT playing outside, my sweet {almost 2-year old} child threw a tantrum about getting into the carseat. Great start.

We drove to Kohls. We talked the whole way there about holding Mommy's hand in the store. We talked about how that's what big girls do. We talked about trying on shoes. We talked about listening to mommy. We talked about what to do when we saw things that were interesting. We talked about looking with our eyes.

{Yes, I do recall she is only 20-months... but the more we talk, the more she understands, and the more she learns to obey. I realize she doesn't have all of the skills yet, nor do I expect it to go perfectly. That's why we practice.}

Anywho - lots and lots of me trying to be patient, trying on shoes, trying to be a "yes" mom and allowing her to explore some, several tantrums and screaming sessions later, we found a pair of sandals that fit.

Except she didn't want to take them off.

So I walked up to the counter and looked for a patient looking cashier that might be willing to scan the shoes while still on her feet. {I was feeling a little desperate. And exhausted.}

We got to the counter. I sat her on the counter and unzipped the diaper bag.

No wallet.

Seriously?! No wallet?

Nope. So I explain to Emberly that we have to take the shoes off. I don't have money. I am fairly certain it is not even in the car. It's still in my work bag (at home), not the diaper bag.


Bribery with fruit snacks.

Long drive home.

Sulking mama. So we play outside because I don't want to fight with her anymore.

Tantrum to come inside.

Won't eat dinner.

Poops in the tub. For the second time in a week.

Bedtime. Early.

That was my day.

But then as I tuck in my sweet girl she says to me "nigh nigh mama, wuv you" in the sweetest little voice.

And I melt. Because who wouldn't?

Aren't you thankful for grace? And those little reminders and visions when you are so blind to it? I am.

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